Shakila Yacob

Shakila is Executive Director of the International Institute of Public Policy & Management (INPUMA), University of Malaya. She is also a lecturer at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, University of Malaya. She was formerly the Director of the Center for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya (2016-2018). She was awarded the FY2015-2016 Fulbright Malaysian Scholar Program at the University of Maryland, USA. After receiving her Bachelor of Arts (majoring in Southeast Asian Studies) from the University of Malaya, she pursued a Master of Arts in Political Science at Western Michigan University, United States. She received her doctorate (PhD) in Management at the University of Reading Business School, United Kingdom. Her research interests are in the areas of business history, international business, and comparative politics. She began her work on US foreign direct investment in colonial Malaya and postcolonial Malaysia and presently, on the history of international business in Malaysia. Her secondary interests are in the areas of history and new media, which includes critical thinking skills in teaching and learning.